Understanding The 7 Major Benefits of Raw Dog Food

Benefits of Raw Dog Food

Are you thinking of making the switch to raw dog food but are unsure about the benefits? If you're like most dog owners, you want what's best for your furry friend. While there are many schools of thought on the matter, feeding your dog a raw diet offers some unique benefits that you might not be aware of. 

In this post, we'll help you understand the 7 major benefits of raw dog food so you can make an informed choice about your dog’s diet.

1. Improved immune system

    Just like humans, dogs need to consume a variety of nutrients to maintain a strong immune system. Raw dog food diets are becoming increasingly popular because they offer a more natural way to provide these essential nutrients. Raw meat, bones, and organs contain high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help to boost the immune system. In addition, raw dog food contains live enzymes and probiotics that promote gut health. A strong immune system depends on having a healthy gut, which keeps bad bacteria from getting into the body.

    2. Improved joint and bone health

    Many pet owners are concerned about their dog's joint and bone health, especially as they age. A raw food diet can be an excellent way to promote joint and bone health in dogs of all ages. Raw bones are an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for strong bones.

    In addition, the cartilage and connective tissue in raw bones help to keep joints healthy. The high protein content of a raw food diet also helps to build and repair muscle tissue, which can help to support joints.

    3. Fresher breath and cleaner teeth

    One of the benefits of a raw food diet is cleaner teeth and fresher breath. This is because a raw diet is typically high in meat and low in carbohydrates, which can help to reduce plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth. In addition, a raw diet contains more enzymes than a kibble diet, which can help to break down bacteria and keep the mouth clean.

    4. Better skin and shinier coat

    Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most well-known and researched ingredients in raw diets that help keep dog skin and fur healthy. Healthy omega fats are important, and they also help reduce inflammation, which is great for dogs with allergies or skin diseases that cause inflammation. 

    5. Less poop and odour

    If your dog's food is made of ingredients that are easy to digest, more of what it eats is absorbed and used, so less of it comes out from their body. Dogs’ digestive systems are made to absorb as many good nutrients as possible from the food they eat. Carbohydrates and fillers like rice, soy, corn, and potato take longer for your dog to digest and aren't fully absorbed by their body. These ingredients act as fillers and can make your dog's stool bulky, which can lead to lots of poops with a strong smell. Since raw diets don't have fillers and are low in carbs, their stools are often smaller because they don't have as much waste to pass through.

    6. Enhanced energy and vitality

    Dogs' overall health is better when they eat natural foods because their blood sugar doesn't go up and down like it does when they are eating processed dried food. Fats and proteins are the best ways for dogs to get energy. A raw food diet is full of these important macronutrients, so your dog's energy levels will be more consistent and stable. It’s logical that when they eat less processed food, their organs and systems don't have to work as hard. This gives your dog more energy for their physical activities, brain work, and ability to focus.

    7. Fewer allergies

    Dogs can be allergic to soy, corn, or wheat. A diet consisting of these, and other allergens can cause a variety of health issues. By their very nature, raw food diets tend to be free of grains and help maintain a healthy gut. And, in turn, a good immune response. It’s known that many unwanted symptoms are caused by an imbalance in the gut. So, adding food that is good for them and taking away food that makes them sick is often the first step in resolving many health issues like ear infections, paw licking, itching, digestive problems, and more. When processed, refined, or synthetic ingredients are taken out of a dog’s diet, their symptoms can get better quickly.

    In conclusion

    Raw dog food can provide your furry friend with the 7 major benefits listed above, from improved digestion to shinier coats. If you're considering making the switch to a raw diet for your dog, it's important to do your research to ensure a smooth transition. Also, keep in mind to rotate your protein in a raw diet between poultry and red meat, as they offer different nutrients. By switching to a raw diet, you can help your dog build a strong foundation for a lifetime of good health.

    If you are ready to give raw dog food a try but are unsure which brand to choose, give us a call or take our dog food quiz


    What is a raw dog diet?

    A raw dog food diet consists of foods that have not been cooked, processed, or altered in any way. It can have a wide range of ingredients, but it usually has raw meat, organs, bones, and vegetables.

    How much does raw dog food cost?

    The cost of raw dog food can vary depending on the quality of the ingredients. Generally, the higher the quality of the ingredients, the more expensive the food will be. But in the long run, it's cheaper to feed raw than to treat allergies and other long-term conditions caused by a poor diet.

    Why feed raw dog food?

    Feeding your dog a raw diet can improve their digestion, help to reduce allergies, and provide them with a more balanced nutrient intake. It can help them live healthier, longer, and younger.


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